Waverly Competing In First Speech Meet
Arien Henry
Staff Writer
The Waverly Speech team will compete in their first meet at Lincoln High School today.
Competing in the meet are students Stephanie Tabor, a senior competing in persuasive speaking, and sophomore Mikayla Lonowski competing in serious prose. The rest of the team members are going to show their support and to get introduced to the "meet" atmosphere.
Currently for this year, there have been fifteen consistent team members showing up to practice and preparing for meets all semester which is about the same number as last year.
While speech isn't really a popular activity to get into, some recognize the benefits of competitive speaking.
“Speech has helped me tremendously with my speaking skills and I am looking forward to the start of the competition season with the hopes of medaling,” Tabor said.
You can find the team's schedule here: http://media.wix.com/ugd/64972e_7647798e91193f1661045a6b86e77532.pdf