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District 145 Supes Up Cyberspace

Aelyn Thompson

Staff Writer

District 145 is seeing some serious changes in cyberspace. It’s out with the old and in with the new for Waverly’s district website.

Many staff members enjoy tools such as email, powerschool, athletic event dates and lunch menus that are already available on the website. Although, many agree the website could be much easier to navigate.

“The school’s website is nice,” teacher Seth Styskal said. “That being said, it seems like it could be more accessible for finding certain information.”

School administrators coordinated with Lucas Bingham, District 145’s Technology

Director, to create a website map to make the school’s website easier to work and shows more of the bigger picture.

“There will be a district place, parent place, a staff place and student place to get information on the new website,” counselor Jason Boitnott said. “Any upcoming events or just about anything that you would need to know to be a parent or student will be there.”

The new website will have simpler tools for the average user, such as easy links and labeled tabs. From one easy hub, parents-- including those who are technologically challenged-- can find school supply lists, booster clubs information, lunch balances and district alerts.

Students will be able to zoom around, finding the information they need from the library database, attendance and grades and using updated technology support.

Staff members will have the option to update web-pages involving their classes, as well as use powerteacher and see district alerts.

The projected release date for the new and improved District 145 website is early April. Make sure to click around and explore Waverly’s newest addition.

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