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Dressing To The Nines Is Totally Fine

Lilly Molini

Staff Writer

Many people look forward to spring for an infinite amount of reasons. Anything from high hopes of their favorite team making it to the finals in March Madness, or even a fun night celebrating Saint Patrick's Day.

What many don’t realize is just how much excitement spring brings around for teen girls during the months before prom. Every girl grows up dreaming about prom as a wonderful practice for her dream wedding.

However many don’t like the idea of prom, or anything that associates with it. In the future, prom will be one the biggest memories people will have after high school. Maybe some people just don’t agree with fancy clothing or they aren’t the dancing type. Reassuringly, there are plenty of dance lessons all across America and millions of dress shops. It won’t be too difficult for anyone to look good and feel good on the unforgettable night.

What lots of teens don’t understand is that not going to prom could be a decision they look back on, and regret.

Setting aside a day to look your best is something everyone should take advantage of; prom could boost anyone’s confidence. From getting ready to looking your best, that one special day could make anyone feel beautiful or handsome. Wearing a dress or tux that took hours of precise choosing, every student counts down the minutes to wear their prized possessions.

Spending time with high school friends you won’t eventually see everyday is important all through anyone’s last few years of high school. What many don’t realize is that everything changes after high school and that it’s the little things that matter. Friends will be all memories, shadows of those you were once inseparable from.

In the end, High school is all flashbacks and camera flashes, plus some aren’t lucky enough to experience prom like others. People capable of going to prom, whether they are fond of it or not, should at least respect the point that others are beyond grateful to experience prom.

Even though some people don’t care for prom, they should let others exercise the right to dance the night away. If you are one who does not particularly care for the event, still support your friends who want to take the opportunity.

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