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Quick To Judge

Ellie Blake

Staff Writer

High school these days consists of ranking by who's popular and who's not. Being popular can make or break a student's high school experience. It seems as though one has to follow everything everyone else does or they are frowned upon because of a terrible trait most high schoolers carry: judging.

Judging is one of the worst things that happens in high school. Wearing the wrong clothes or saying the wrong thing can throw you down the loser bin. There are so many kids each day that get judged for not being “normal”. Do we really know what ‘normal’ means?

Normal- adjective, conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal.

So, by not being normal, kids are not to certain people's standards and are now abnormal compared to others? No. It does not make any sense. Every person is a human being. Whether they are short, tall, skinny, frizzy-haired or they lack money for designer clothes, we are all the same.

Teens and young adults aren't the only age groups that judge. I see adults judging other adults all the time. I’m sorry, but aren’t you the ones who are supposed to be setting examples for your children?

Ever since my class has been in school, we have had a severe problem with social hierarchy. Kids who aren’t popular are made fun of, bullied, put down and are excluded from the social circle our class has. This is a huge issue. There are kids that get bullied so much that think about taking their own life just to get away from the pressure of being normal.

Judging is one of the most problematic traits a person can have. Downgrading someone for what they wear, eat or say is disgusting. People need to realize that everyone has the same reason to live as the they do.

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