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Choirs Ending On High Note

Aelyn Thompson

Staff Writer

Waverly High School’s Show Choir and Concert Choir received perfect scores at the District Music Contest on April 24-25.

District Music Contest is the equivalent of a state sports competition for the musical arts students of the area. Schools from around eastern Nebraska enter their groups hoping for the best scores possible and personal fulfillment knowing that their hard work paid off.

Lots of effort went into these outstanding scores of straight ones, which is the highest score a musical act can receive on a scale of 1 through 5. Waverly Singers were one point away from a absolute perfect score from the various judges.

This accomplishment is a huge occasion, considering adjudication forms are harsh and points add up quickly.

Singers performed the last day of Districts, implementing their ability to see other schools’ choirs.

“There was a ton of pressure to be great during preparation but were ready,” freshman Waverly Singers member Chase Bigsby said. “It was fabulous to see everyone else perform as well.”

Show choir started preparation in July during their week-long camp to learn songs and choreography, where the Waverly Singers have a daily class where they rehearse their set of songs.

“Getting all ones was super exciting because all our hard work paid off,” senior Show Choir member Eric Swierczek said.

Waverly Singers and Show Choir are both under the direction of Rachel Kornfeld, who put excessive time and heart into getting ready for this contest.

“We worked so hard together to create the best performance possible. I am so proud not only about their performance and their ratings but also the process we went through together,” Kornfeld said. “You learn so much about how to make music , how to work together, how to set a goal and reach it!”

Both groups saw great success during this year’s district music contest, and hope to see more in the coming years.

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