Small But Mighty Dance Team
Samm Sack Co-Editor I remember watching the dance team’s very first performance at a basketball game back in 2011; the girls were in...
Declining Death Penalty Must Move Quicker
Sam Larsen Staff Writer The use of capital punishment over the past two decades and due to capital punishment, the annual death rate of...
Red Cards So Far
Connor Strange Staff Writer The red card system has been around for a little over a semester now, but some news came as a shock on...
Combat Boot Marching Around The World
Aelyn Thompson Staff Writer Many young women are strutting their school halls in faux military get-up. Combat boots are latest hottest...
2014's Summer Bod: Why This Year Can Be Different
Samm Sack Co-Editor There is a reason why some of those recurring resolutions--like being nice or working out--keep reappearing on lists...
District 145 Supes Up Cyberspace
Aelyn Thompson Staff Writer District 145 is seeing some serious changes in cyberspace. It’s out with the old and in with the new for...
Two Students And Teacher Awarded Nationally
Samm Sack Co-Editor Waverly students, staff and families rocked back in their seats in a fit of giggles as the two Waverly boys bantered...
Waverly High Lacks MLK Celebration
Lilly Molini Staff Writer Jan. 20 is the day that America looks back in remembrance of the persistent drive Martin Luther King Jr. once...
Cling To Ignorance, Pass It Off As Innocence
Samm Sack Co-Editor “I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence.” -Sworn In, Opportunist It was a pretty statue,...
Alone In Survival, With The World Cheering Him On
Samm Sack Co-Editor After the majority of decent war films I’ve seen in theaters, the room usually bursted into applause when the end...